NEON GENESIS: Evangelion
Toy review

No one can argue that the standard of toys and models have improved drastically during that last few years. This is largely due to McFarlane Toys and the detail they put into every sculpture like Spawn, Danger Girl and the Movie Maniac series'.

In light of this many other toy companies seem to have realised that this is what people want out of a toy, not just some straight legged, vacant staring lump of plastic.

One of the most poseable and energetic looking toys to come out recently is neon genesis: evangelion. Coming from the anime cartoons of the same name, this figure seems to have been somewhat under-looked with McFarlane Toys stealing a lot of the limelight.

The figure comes in a variety of forms, well, the basic figure is the same apart from variations in facial features and colour, but the basic packs contain different parts and weapons.

Mine, for example, contains a candy apple red and orange metallic version of evangelion, along with seven differently positioned hands (mostly for holding the various weapons properly), six-inch curved sword, straight edged knife, large whip that replaces a hand, Steyr Aug machine gun with removable clip and a hand gun with removable silencer and targeting system. And this is the basic pack.

The deluxe version comes with many more hands and weapons, including one of the largest shoulder mounted cannon I've ever seen for a toy.

The model is extremely poseable with great balance, and a suitable position can be found for each weapon it holds. You can even crouch it on one knee. Which is something it holds over the McFarlane Toys who are mostly stuck in one, albeit very good, position.

If manga or anime is your thing, or you just like great looking action toys then evangelion is for you. Either way it's one of the best value toys available at the moment. Get one while you can.

david twomey

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